GET BACK TO LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE!First True Center For Diabetic Wellness

Changing the Narrative on Diabetes
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Reduce the Symptoms of Diabetes
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Diabetic Wellness... Redefined.

What Is Physiologic Insulin Resensitization?

A New Way to Treat Diabetes!

Physician-Directed Physiologic Insulin Resensitization reduces the symptoms of diabetes, such as: neuropathy, non-healing diabetic foot ulcers, low energy, and weight gain.
Our Approach

Diamedics offers a patented approach called Physiologic Insulin Resensitization where insulin is administered as a hormone rather than a drug, addressing the primary cause of Diabetes which is metabolic failure. By utilizing insulin in a manner that bio-mimics normal physiology, this modality is designed to reduce insulin resistance and help blood sugar more readily enter each cell and be converted into energy.

Cellular Health

By increasing cellular energy, damaged tissues and organs may grow, repair, and regenerate. Thus, our approach may not only stabilize but patients have reported decreased complications of diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

Care Plan

Every patient’s degree of insulin resistance and efficiency of carbohydrate metabolism is unique; so we begin with a consultation to determine medical necessity and establish a physician-directed, individualized care plan.

Groundbreaking Diabetic CareMeet the Diamedics

Offering Real Solutions for People with Diabetes.

Diamedics is helping Diabetics and Pre-Diabetics Get Back to Living their Best Lives!Conditions We Treat

Real Solutions For These Diabetic Conditions
  • PreDiabetes
  • Type 2
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Type 1
  • Neuropathy
  • Complications


Pre-diabetes is a serious health condition that over 80 million American adults suffer from. Those with pre-diabetes are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Our groundbreaking approach addresses the primary cause by using insulin as a hormone rather than a drug.
Insulin is a critical hormone your body needs in order to regulate blood sugar levels. It essentially acts like a key to let sugar into the cells in order for the body to use as energy.  With pre-diabetes your cells stop responding normally to insulin and begin to build an abnormal tolerance from the excess insulin your pancreas is forced to create.  Eventually the pancreas gets overworked and can’t keep up. An overworked pancreas can quickly lead to a slow metabolism, weight gain, loss of energy, and ultimately, type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Diabetes can cause many lifelong complications and ailments.
Scientist doctor holding blood vacutainer analyzing during biochemistry experiment in microbiology hospital laboratory, Chemist woman developing healthcare treatment against disease

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 is the most common form of diabetes. Unlike type 1, type 2 diabetes means that your pancreas still produces insulin however your cells become insulin intolerant and no longer react normally to allow sugar into the cells. The pancreas tries to compensate by producing more insulin but cannot keep up. This leads to an over abundance of insulin, an over abundance of sugar in the blood stream, a lack of cellular energy (ATP), inflammation, and a host of other problems.

Do I Have Type 2 Diabetes?

Although there are definite signs of type 2 diabetes, they often develop slowly and are frequently misunderstood as simply part of getting older. Some of the symptoms/signs of type 2 diabetes include…

  • Frequent urination
  • Increased thirst
  • Unexpected weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Slow-healing wounds
  • Neuropathy
Senior Woman tests blood for glucose or sugar level for diabetes with glucometer, close up of hands, home kit for testing

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome can be a serious health condition that warrants concern and puts you at higher risk of heart disease and diabetes. When you have at least three of the following conditions you are considered to have Metabolic Syndrome:

  • Large waistline
  • High triglyceride level
  • High HDL cholesterol level
  • High blood pressure
  • High fasting blood sugar
Balanced diet food concept. Assortment of healthy food low cholesterol, spinach avocado red wine green tea salmon tomato flax chia seeds turmeric garlic nuts olive oil

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that millions suffer from. Type 1 is also often referred to as juvenile diabetes, however adults can develop type 1 as well. Those who suffer from Type 1 Diabetes have an immune system that mistakes insulin producing cells in the pancreas for harmful bacteria or viruses. This in turn causes the pancreas to produce very little or no insulin at all. Insulin is essential to your body in that it helps to control your blood sugar levels and metabolism. This is why type 1 diabetics are also often referred to as insulin dependent.

Causes and Complications

Although the exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown, the cause of the complications that result are. Over time, type 1 diabetes can affect a lot of different areas of health including the heart, blood vessels, nerves, eyes, and kidneys. These effects can become long term complications such as kidney disease, nerve damage, blindness, heart attack, stroke, gum disease, and pregnancy complications.

Glucose meter for checking sugar level and freshly blended coctail from fruits and vegetables. Diabetes and healthy nutrition concept

Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that occurs when nerves are damaged from long and regularly occurring high blood sugar which results in excess inflammation in the body. In most cases this happens in legs and feet but can also affect the arms, abdomen, and back. Most describe this as a tingling, numbness or burning pain.

Why is Diabetic Neuropathy Considered Dangerous

The nerve damage caused by diabetes can lead to more serious problems than just pain or a lack of feeling in your feet.  Losing the feeling in different parts of your body can cause you to become desensitized to things that otherwise would be obvious and worrisome. For example, losing feeling in your feet can cause loss of balance and lead to falls resulting in broken bones and wounds. If you were to cut or wound yourself in a part of your body that has nerve damage, you may not notice it right away which in turn could cause poor healing and infection. Potentially, in more serious cases, infections can be life threatening. Diabetic neuropathy is a serious problem.

Diabetic Complications

Diabetes is a disease that hinders the body’s ability to produce, or respond to, insulin which results in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated glucose levels in the blood. High and low glucose levels and abnormal metabolism can cause many complications.
While some people with diabetes may experience a number of these complications, some may not experience any. Complications or not, diabetes is a serious diagnosis that needs to be well-managed.

Are My Complications from Diabetes?

While many of the complications of diabetes can be caused by other health conditions, if you have a diabetes diagnosis and one of the complications listed below you can assume that they are linked.

Fruit and vegetable salad, glucose meter with result of measurement sugar level and tape measure, concept of diabetes, diet, slimming, healthy lifestyles and nutrition


Advanced TreatmentsComprehensive Diabetic Care

The Latest in Medical Technologies for Diabetic Care Proven to Reduce Symptoms for People Living with Diabetes.

Call Your Local Diamedic

Book A Free Consultation

Physiologic Insulin Resensitization

The process of restoring the body’s cells’ responsiveness to insulin.

Improved Glucose Control
Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases
Enhanced Overall Metabolic Health

Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Wound Care

Advanced care for quick healing from long-term and non-healing wounds.

Results in as little as one session
Stimulate healing
Reduce scar tissue and inflamation

Resources on Living with Diabetes

We hold the promise to improve the quality of life for our patients.

Advanced treatment plans
Medicare and insurance plan options
We help you navigate the options best for you!

How can the burden of diabetic symptoms be reduced?

with world class breakthrough diabetic care at Diamedics.

The Science Behind Diabetes

Schull Institute Study: Insulin Infusion Therapy on Diabetic Complications (Oct. 27, 2015) Retrospective, observational study (n=60) reported.

Diamedics provide a patented treatment called Physiologic Insulin Resensitization (PIR) where insulin is administered as a hormone rather than a drug, which allows us to address Diabetes and Metabolic Failure at the cellular level.

Neuropathy Improved
Improvement in
at least one complication
HbA1c Reduction
Medications Reduction

More Locations Opening Near You!Join The Team

Opportunities Available to Become a Diamedic Today!

Using the latest technologies and medical breakthroughs you can help individuals suffering with diabetes get back to living life to the fullest!

Our highly trained team of Diamedics work with our patients to treat the effects of diabetes and develop an individualized care plan to address the root causes of the condition and reduce symptoms.

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